Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Manual (TATHATC)
The Action,The Horror And The Comedy

Manual (TATHATC)



Action Stars and Rock N' Roll


The Goons With Their Guns
Almighty Candle
Luzon Saturated By Rainstorm
Sleep Daybreak Wake Twilight
Be Sought in Such An Evening Primrose
Even Sinner Will Be Curse
Vacant The Pits Of Alarmist
Night Glow For Me
Trials (Page 2)
Uproaring Vigilance
Ahref Linear
Jeutomist (The Playful Adventures)

The Goons With Their Guns


Is this my anger to the world?Anomaly spread like your words,To fight or to die?Well I never die coz Im the first who die,Im the mastermind so raid us and we will hide,When your near to die,you need to fix upon;Make up the problems for your loved-one,Be nice not to be frown so their words will be honest coz you dont want to carry a conscience before you die,Do you want to get and do the things that you want?Its hate burning inside,it will explode like a bomb,The goons with their guns,So proud to be numb.This little chicken secrete under the dress of its parents,When it use any car then it drives,Can you say sorry to yourself?Stab me as the way of life,Kill our members,Demolish their numbers,So why you need to make a fool of me?You know you cant mislead me by your money,Its already in your hands but it turn to stone,Now surrender your life,This is the militar of a high position.Hate burning inside,it will explode like a bomb,The goons with their guns,So proud to be numb.Your under arrest,Invade on the yarn and its threads,Now I can call you shameless,Do you still exist?Now I can call you darkness,Do you still eclipse?He's ready to die for this one,Just one by one,their nominee is dying,Shuffle the cards and be the king,Perish me but dont cremate my body,I will return to it soon even its the quality of being imprisoned.Hate burning inside,it will explode like a bomb,The goons with their guns,So proud to be numb...Please visit me on the cemetery,Its just my death anniversary,Please visit me on the cemetery,Please put that gun on the side of me...

Almighty Candle
As I use it to burn the paper,I read something alabe alabe altara cumola,Hear ye O men pick in oral spoken,As I blow the candle,I notice something,Why you want me not to be exist on this world?Like the sun,there's a fire on me,I know that God didn't made me but by the hands of man,Im here.Candlelight,When I mold my hands like an animals' shadow on the wall,So sad to know that you didn't smile,Maximize it and its your greatest fear,You write your sponsor and now the paper is tear but then it'll be part company that the the wax is not soon to be free.I get lock up on your wardrobe with flashlight,Im sorry that you drove when you open it with surprise,Run on the action,Your fear of the horror,Laugh on the comedy,Life will compare to it like your story;As I found the candle,I dont know if that will happen,As I found the candle,I will run after figuring one to ten,I hold my eyes closely to the mirror,You love to write on my antique mirror,Using your lipstick,its some kind of scary "You will die with me." Candlelight,When I mold my hands like an animals' shadow on the wall,So sad to know that you didn't smile,Maximize it and its your greatest fear,You write your sponsor and now the paper is tear but then it'll be part company that the wax is not soon to be free.How many times do I need to exhale the air infront of the candle everytime its my birthday?How many times do I need to exhale the air infront of the candle everytime its my birthday?We all know that its huge and almighty,The only light of your room,Aurora,Am I your groom?I want to end all of this,Off the candle please...

Luzon Saturated By Rainstorm
So how it made of a beautiful day?You'll soon to be naked Mister Clay,I smell the breeze of typhoon that's in air,Let's show our emotions,Were all going to be saturate,paint and seal those nails on your rooftop,Do you want to be the ghost of badluck?Im the devil who whisper on your ear,Close your store,Nobody will buy on it from here.Black clouds down Luzon,Black clouds down Luzon,The vehicles will smell the smoke of their own rebel,Black clouds down Luzon,Black clouds down Luzon,Oil price hike declared gasoline will not be sell.You will see my illusion as you wield the wiper blade of your windshield,You lost Nepo when he stop over the rain,You cant see the virtue but the pain,Leave your wicked on the muddy streets of our district,Narcotic killer of music-its the weirdest thing,Only for the workforce,drowning.Black clouds down Luzon,Black clouds down Luzon,The vehicles will smell the smoke of their own rebel,Black clouds down Luzon,Black clouds down Luzon,Oil price hike declared gasoline will not be sell.Many properties were lost by that calamity,Relief goods for all the evacuee,We need the sun,Rejoin human to rope as one,Were so soaked up by the tears of divine,My clothes cant be dry,I cant hide all inside,Atlast,Were not blind but we cant see the light,Are we all going to die?Love,love go away come again some other day...Black clouds down Luzon...Luzon saturated by rainstorm...

Sleep Daybreak Wake Twilight
Sleep daybreak wake twilight,make sure that you can survive,Sleep daybreak wake twilight,your on her dimension tonight,Who will need your maintenance?Your footsteps are so insignificant,Who's your first priority?Life,love or eternity,your good enough for me,Eyeball mischief is now shroud with shame,Sometimes it took the same,sometimes its not the same;red means worries,white symbolize peace.Count many sheeps to sleep,Did you hear my snore?Yes I hear your snore when you sleep so I ruin the lock of the door.Sleep daybreak wake twilight,make sure that you can survive,Sleep daybreak wake twilight,your on her dimension tonight,Its summer on my blanket,Outlines are gone when you use your handset,Dont count it up and down,you will loose the battery of the clock so dont make it surfeit for the almanac (Its tie...)While im driving on my car ,I see this lady dress in white and her victim made another version of change of mind alike.Count many sheeps to sleep,Did you hear my snore?Yes I hear your snore when you sleep so I ruin the lock of the door.Do I need to visit my school to reminisce my past?What gift did you receive this christmas?Are you content with that?Im waiting on the waiting chair now I can go home with shots,Its late at night,you cry and you cry until you fell asleep so your the little birds chirping;Good morningstar my cell,You woke the day for dead,Good morningstar my cell,Clasp me as a book drafted in shape of my head...All I want to do is to sleep to know my yellow streak and wake up to feel it...

Be Sought In Such An Evening Primrose
Gone and so disappear on their thoroughfare,All you need to do is to stare at the burning building of Octavina welfare,The half of the floor has a treassure,Where your hands will love the germs in the crowd of worms,Your dreams are none so far,Your friends are many to mention.You plant this kind of rose,Now is the time to bloom,Night stained blue,It can only be sought in such an evening primrose.This is the sort of your perfume and you really enjoy it from spraying its efficacy until its aroma come to me,Tonight,you dont have a midnight snack,So today,eat a lot of foods,you know that your not a tools,Wash your hands before you eat,Dont speak when your mouth is full.You plant this kind of rose,Now is the time to bloom,Night stained blue,It can only be sought in such an evening primrose.Am I referring about my hair?Uncover the detective on us,So hide and seek and you'll be lost and found (Were on our blue moon,Catch a glimpse of coloured wings in month of June,Its spectrum is like an amber dancing through my eyes,Trip me to a room that cyanide came from the phrase I write) You plant this kind of rose,Now is the time to bloom,Night stained blue,It can only be sought in such an evening primrose...

Even Sinner Will Be Curse
This house is hell,Home of sickness,Disgrace,Doomsday,Can I make you breathless?Sometimes my fidgety is because of other people,sometimes I just feel it even if its not my fall,You snip my skin with your venomous nails,Why do I feel this way again?A scream that if you shout,its hate,if they shout,they will say "you dont care" they worship the loser,listen to the scream that they made-Snafu!They're so happy with their career of being judge,What a strong feeling.This is the disease that kill my lungs,kill my voice,Kill this noise,Hurt my tongue.Are you tired now?Its better to judge when you know you can do better than they try to do and its bad when you know you have nothing to do with that,I dont think that you may kill me if you know what I hide inside,Do I need to be a stubborn to you and be the friend of serpent to conserve my life?This is the disease that kill my lungs,kill my voice,Kill this noise,Hurt my tongue.Where's your mercy when you kill the insect and you saw its blood?Today all I want to see is blood(blood group)Do I need to say this before I pass by?Will I cast this curse for all of you-Even sinner will be curse,its just me against the world...

Vacant The Pits Of Alarmist
I want to disguise close to bubonic plague,When you come home,you had nothing to back,your family is gone,They will migrate on the state,Its like I dont want to live in truth,Your the scapegoat to drive away your youth,Framamittisee,you lost the literature of life,Your free to create babies,your parents will die.Alarmist,your not born to act a slow motion,We hope that your not born.Keep on asking for a big news when all you sing are insults,Can you be serious?I get impatient,is there something wrong of what I do?I just listen to the action of the pendulum,Framamittisee,you lost the literature of life ,Your free to create babies,your parents will die.Alarmist,your not born to act a slow motion,We hope that your not born.Vacant the pits of alarmist,they discover you to execute,Vacant the pits of alarmist,Just a one bullet for you,Your signature for the endorsement on the back of your shirt,Do the other people is the one who need to notice about our talents?You said your happy with your life but your really not.Alarmist,your not born to act a slow motion,We hope that your not born...When you'll be redeem,Its the right time of your retaliated scream;Let's make it a big problem,Kill them my group of goblins,Its just a one part of the chapter,Vacant the streets everywhere...

Night Glow For Me
Die or live?I dont want the mode of your tongue in the tone of what you said,I know you mean it,I know you can fight for it,Do you want to browse on the world of malicious?Receiver waste the one that he choose,When that time will come and its nocturnal,I know that you will remember me by that doll.Maybe this night is so dark for you but if Im with you this night glow for me,Night glow for me.I dont bring you worries in bed,Sorry if everyday Im always absent minded,Sepia motif show to me its moral support,Its so humane but by money,love cant be import,When that time will come and its nocturnal,I know that you will remember me by that doll,Hug it and kiss it.Coz maybe this night is so dark for you but if Im with you this night glow for me,Night glow for me.What are you going to do with your life while your listening to some love songs?Let's stop this forever,Is there something wrong with your life while your listening to that love songs?Let's stop this together.Maybe this night is so dark for you but if Im with you,This night glow for me,Night glow for me...

Trials (Page 2)
Gun set to manual,Give me the menu if your just a girl on a war,We let off the trigger on each rifle,Is it another round for the goons?Subtract the level of its violent tune.You steal a confidence on this wine that turn to water,Which time you want me to be here?The bullet of your gun showed a yellow roses,It will be polluted by the others but its arome remains.Gun set to manual,Your such a coward girl on a war,We set off the trigger on each rifle,Is it another round for the goons?Subtract the level of its violent tune.You steal a confidence on this wine that turn to water,Which time you want me to be here?Incandescent nerve on the heart of a fragile,Respect each human rights,Forward your sin,you dont like your destiny,Rewind the scene,its not better to be free,We still adopt their customs,Read back the option;In South,I'll dowse myself in kerosene so pray for my skeleton in the closet,In North,Use your collection of pesticide now your house will be specific while your overdose in West,Your dancing on the corpses ashes,please,please,please,Dont put me on the East,I rinse its traces on my collar with your bloody kiss.Gun set to manual,Your just a girl on a war,We let off the trigger on each rifle,Is it another round for the goons?Subtract the level of its violent tune.You steal a confidence on this wine that turn to water,Which time you want me to be here?The bullet of your gun showed a yellow roses,It will be polluted by the others but its aroma maintains...reading the curse of the rain.

Uproaring Vigilance
This nominal against the law and to discipline their ownselves,Such a traitor in the table of axons leaf ,Here below under the ring of rampant words,We take the individual Your such a one,manhandle of fire in accomplishment.Uproaring vigilance,creep on the death feud retaliation fight blood for blood,now this infidel that I have on the strength of hip,Keep the tale like the fire in the tail of the lion.Burning iron,note soldiers in the pad of my tired face,her name in the war,drunk in the brew,All eyes remain sharpshooting,Dont wait to keep my faith and my anger turn to ruthlessness,Hold and turn around the spoon inside the glass for the grace of light and the distant hope,The only love that is left for me,smile for everything that we move.Uproaring vigilance,creep on the death feud retaliation fight blood for blood,now this infidel that I have on the strength of hip,Keep the tale like the fire in the tail of the lion.Its such a shame for the heartburn,we found the light to understand,your male advene and the sacrifice of your parents,Your verwirren war in the mulch below;We grab them in an instance of the chase,Its just the death of everybody,Dance truant today in handwords worthy of false eye.Uproaring vigilance,creep on the death feud retaliation fight blood for blood,now this infidel that I have on the strength of hip,Keep the tale like the fire in the tail of the lion.

You give me flowers for the love of your life,and you depend on your own Descartes,your self justice for all your defense and were standing still,just please me in a ridiculous way.Burning the moment by your eyes ,Dance upon the joke of your tongue,We count the strikes above the train in four ridden,an aerodynamic shape of the bullet train,the race was obviously rigged,When solitary walks and you dial the phone in anger of wrong number.Shelter for the night,keep on fighting,Shelter for the night,keep on fighting.Cogs are found in black boxes,They park their car in wrong access,in the back and side of the line,Were heading in convoy in a wonderful cook,Your the man in the brave of blue jewel,We will move the crane,wear paper in the old house in the open bottle,the driver pulled the night to bite into the road,Come off and do it to me again,This place belongs to you anymore,Shelter for the night,keep on fighting,Dance upon the joke of your tongue,we count the strikes above the train in four ridden,We cast the philander upon the love of your sweet eyes,All group of noun-men were astride in their watching eyes,Dont question for this time,Two post will fasten for instructive,Its for the working voice,You looks like a fester foe save by the hand of today,Dig your headstone,punish yourself upon the name of the unknown;Im dying hard,riders lost in the dark,bourne behind the panoply,beautiful and grace in white clean spirit,white shadow,white as the good light,soft cotton,golden man like a machine,its not going to work at all,what's the worth of it,Im not saying that all the hoodlum will go away...Shelter for the night,keep on fighting,Shelter for the night,keep on fighting.Shelter for the night,keep on fighting,Shelter for the night,keep on fighting for the atropos,use the lancaster.

Ahref Linear
Just rest from work reluctantly,the haterator will come inside,Prove to me how to live in euthanasia,Come home,feel at home,expect for hope,The rays will rise in cutting blades but we realise that we mislead ourself at all,We will taste the last alpine,The extract in the secret sight,These words will be wage in the bucket pail,Feel the mild irritation attempting the one to destroy this ambition.I want to see the good wide world,Let me see the owner and the meaning of this name here,give away the light and life in resolute eyes and indolent lines.Its not just getting worst in slender growth and the draw of the drop of the thin sheet will flow,Were lacking in the little and they keep me in the one,just grab them in naughty,They behave so ill in the working book,We will confess for this little life around this shore,Toasted meal and our daily needs,above there in the kindreds of equinox to watchet lazuli.I want to see the good wide world,Let me see the owner and the meaning of this name here,give away the light and life in resolute eyes and indolent lines.We will burn the senses to agree,we will rather choose the stick and this is the cue ball,what can you say?Feels like you are depress in sad tears,aquatic tune,down and low,shoemaker levy,fall in this great travel of oversized,Prove to me,where is the perfect night of forever.We will burn your inner senses to agree,This is the curdling love of your ace,Keep your faith in eternal,They will teach us and open our eyes in beguile,The rocking ribbon will dance in times of equivalents,It is near inside your hustler style,ensue the preparation of your soft stress,give to me his circleling numbers,We will lose no time for cabal,We will not trouble ourself about,We will determine ourself about,Let it be the oil,Throw it all,We carry the crystal through the weight of the axe,We put the douche in the black fiber,Give to me the letter of excellence,itallic pen,we dare the every other day of the turn,alone 'dying and waving' to the city of the truth and its never been to me,Take care of the little ones,Im under the the finishing of the horizon.


That's because we are young and they are adult at all,just count backward,that's the only life that you are left.

Heard my word and bring forth
Its only enduring without complaint
The grass sleeps with your innocence
The water is for the hard breaking rock

This mind can only be bear with intellect but reflection came
So go forth with all grace and abundant wealth
This place is made from the shining dawn
This land can be dress up and begawd with blossom when it starts to fall
This epigen can only be eaten with all acceptance of your doings
and the blessings can only be done in eternal wishes
Everything you do will be feel great and be rewarded and its just nothing "Not A Thing"
Be aware of everyday of meditation,words can only be precede in deception
Its the center of life and no treacherous of reality beforehand

I cut the pieces of paper and as i pick my words;
The gate shows with the sensation of one bright star in the ascendant of petals
bathe with your life from the beginning of the sunshine
Walk upstairs,shift in the quarters,find your fortunate voice
The windows will only see what you want to see blacklook and taunt like the peaceful clouds as you feel free to drench around with your cherished dreams
He try to search himself lying down in green pasture
Let it be build forth from the importance of forbearance,golden plate and goldenrule
before everything will be lead forth to their own destination...
"So Welcome In with joy and the comfort of your heart and soul"

We play outside with our friends and we enjoy the sunlight
and when our familiahood call
She let us in,just let us in,the kind of house we live
We will trade this for an exchange of our life
Now this house is complete with our member
We count our life in the number of 2-4-3-4-0-2 and whoever who will come
The right reason is 2-4 and 2-3 Im not wondering if he can live with us and where that would be!
We will ready to surrender all things for you
Now who can make it in an endless way,widest than the walking miles of
a trusted soldiers

Jeutomist (The playful adventures)

I was there in a moment of time,don’t dream of the sky when your hands is so weak to grasp in a soft cap,all these things by the things of the past,now handle the stirring,it was so perceived.Shut all the cut and discover,many as often,I can use all the personal lens,one glass of lemon,we will break the shackles and not to shiver,I miss and fail to hit.When they are so young,they count their dreams like a rectangulit and a good life trying to ask yourself who I am?and they try to insult this free space here then how can we ever trace this scent of paper in manual,that’s what we use here,don’t ever try to be proud of everything outside,just let them exist and be usable inside,as if we build a very big arch and be paid so much by the flood and rain not knowing the rule here,you need to follow them also,don’t expect what will happen next! Shut all the cut and discover,many as often,I can use all the personal lens,one glass of lemon,we will break the shackles and not to shiver,I miss and fail to hit.I turn and I turn then I cant see where’s your way to travel,the change is not your reason,we live our life in hinder slow in clear orange,this is the blue wave,we don’t know how we spend so many nights without knowing the info,isn’t it so?There are so many guest but there is no room for your provender like a festival salad,it was so delicate and we move through below,we are going to perish,there is no sway,do you love to think,just play.Freed from the trials that we ever met,this side of a heavy front
I sit and said to myself that if this art will ever exist,I wish and I pray that they confer our life so good ,Yes,the stuff that forms in your eyes when you sleep does have a name.We put our hands in the ground,this wine of roses is not against the leaving grass for this children to be lead right,Im hoping for your kindness